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Cantus Christi: Four-Part Piano Accompaniment (1st Edition Cantus)

(2 reviews)

Cantus Christi

Book details
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Media: Audio Download

This four-part piano accompaniment to the Cantus Christi (first edition) will help you learn to sing the Psalms and Hymns of the church.

Each selection includes a piano introduction and one verse. To get the best use out of this, simply pick a track, set your player to "repeat" and sing through all the verses.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Ray T.
Cantus Christi: Four-Part Piano Accompaniment (1st Edition Cantus)

Well packaged; timely arrival; no complaints

Kyle P.
Helpful Resource to learn Psalms

We bought this to learn the Psalms and it’s a very helpful resouce. The one aspect of it that makes it very challenging is that there is no separation between tracks that I could find. It’s one giant file that’s split into 4 sections that just moves from song to song. So if you are hoping to be able to move directly to specific songs this will be difficult. Unless I’m mising something.